Adverse Effects of Undetected Leaks

plumber in Boca Raton, FL

Leaky plumbing fixtures can cause you a lot of trouble. This is why DASCOR Plumbing advises you to seek water leak detection. Here are some of the adverse effects of undetected leaks.

High Water Bill

When your monthly water bills start to rise, it’s time to contact a plumber in Boca Raton, FL, from our team. You are likely dealing with an undetected leak. Even a seemingly small leak can waste hundreds of gallons a water a year. There’s an easy test that you can do. Simply shut off your home’s main water valve. If your water meter still continues to run, this indicates a definite problem.

Water Damage

Hidden leaks can quietly cause a great deal of water damage. If you happen to notice water stains on your walls or floors, the damage has already begun to surface. In some instances, homeowners are forced to spend thousands of dollars on repairs. This another big reason why you need to call us for water leak repair in Boca Raton, FL, promptly. By catching leaks early, plumbers can save you a lot of money in the long run.


This poses a serious health hazard. It can cause your family to experience several flu-like symptoms. This fungus thrives in warm, humid conditions. Unfortunately, leaky pipes can create a perfect environment for mold. To help keep your household healthy, don’t wait to contact us for our leak repair services.

Musty Smell

Along with the presence of mold and mildew often comes a musty smell. The odor can linger inside your home for days at a time.


At times, pests are lured inside your home by plumbing leaks. Rodents and insects are always searching for new sources of water. Leak repair is an absolute necessity for local area residents facing pest problems.

If you need water leak services in the local area, contact DASCOR Plumbing. Call us or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment with our experts.

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Schedule your appointment with DASCOR Plumbing whenever you are dealing with leak issues, sewer line problems, or any other plumbing need that you might have. Call us today or fill out the online form to get in touch with our team. We look forward to serving you.